Training October 28th – November 3rd


2:30 pm ROM WOD

3 pm “Scotty” Fundraiser

*There is still time to sign up on EventBrite


Post-Cycle Test

Max Set of Kipping Handstand Pushups



For time:

25 Pullups

10 Muscle Ups

1.5 Mile Run

10 Muscle Ups

25 Pullups

*Time Cap: 25 min

Link to hero WOD on


Find a 1RM Front Squat


Partner WOD

“Steiner Brothers”

Partner 1:

AMRAP 30 seconds

Row for Calories


Partner 2:

AMRAP 30 seconds

Wallballs @ 20/14# to 10’ target

-both partners rest 30 seconds while they swap stations-

-continue for 16 minutes (8 rounds of each exercise)

-score is total reps of Wallballs plus total calories.


Coan Deadlift Program Week 3

*All Percentages are Calculated from your Goal 1RM, not your current 1RM.

Heavy Set:


15 MInutes to Complete

1 set x 2 reps @ 85%

-3 minute transition-

Speed Sets:

E1.5MOM for 6 Rounds

3 Deadlifts @ 70%

-3 minute transition-


E1.5MOM for 3 Rounds

8 Stiff-Leg Deadlifts @ +10# over heaviest load used last week. Use same load every round.

-3 minute transition-

E1.5MOM for 3 Rounds

8 Bent Over Rows @ +10# over heaviest load used last week. Use same load every round.


E1.5MOM for 3 Rounds

8 Chinups (weighted if possible) @ +5# over heaviest load used last week. Use same load every round.


E1.5MOM for 3 Rounds

8 Good Mornings @ +10# over heaviest load used last week. Use same load every round.


Bench Press Party

EMOM Until Failure

1 Bench Press

*Start at about 130-150# less than your 1RM Bench Press, or the empty bar, whichever is greater. If in doubt, choose the lighter starting load. Add 5# every minute. When you miss, you’re done. Only one attempt per minute.

Starting Load Choices:

Rx+: Choice/Choice


Gold: 115/35#

Silver: 75# (Men only)

Bronze: 45# (Men only)



For time:

Run 800 meters

Run 400 meters backwards

Run 800 meters

Run 400 meters backwards


100’ sprint.

-Record best of three attempts.


“Partner Hansen”

With a partner, and only one partner working at a time:

5 Rounds:

30 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53#

30 Burpees

30 GHD sit-ups

Cutoff: 35 min

Link to hero workout on

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