7 thoughts on “Sunday 12 September

  1. Awesome class today. Everyone pushed to their limits.

    5 rounds + 60 reps Rx for me. My shoulders were toast after my Combat Fitness test yesterday.

  2. Great workout. Everyone did awesome.

    4 rounds + 30 stick jumps Rx. Also got my first bar muscle up before class!

  3. Bronze
    15 minute AMRAP

    15 stick jumps, 12″
    15 push ups
    15 hang power cleans, 55#

    3 rounds + 11 push ups
    This was a tough workout for me. I enjoyed working out with you today, Rosemary!

  4. Silver (20 minutes) = 4 rounds + 20 box jumps.

    20 box jumps
    20 push ups
    20 Hang Power Clean

    Once again, the push-ups killed me. 4th round, I had to do the last 5 as incline push ups to finish.

  5. Gold (25 AMRAP)
    25 Stick Jumps (18″)

    25 Pushups

    25 Hang Power Clean (55)

    4 rounds complete at the last second!! My shoulders are toast!! Don’t know how I’m going to do “Fran” on steriods tomorrow morning.

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