Training July 15th -21st


2:30 pm ROM WOD

3 pm Coach’s Choice WOD


Front Squat Cycle Week 7 of 7

Find a 1RM Front Squat


E1.5MOM for 5 Rounds

5-4-3-2-1 Front Squat

*Everyone’s first set is with the empty bar. Build up load until it starts to get heavy.


E2.5MOM for 3 Rounds

1 Front Squat


E3.5MOM for 3 Rounds

1 Front Squat


5 Minutes: Athlete’s Choice: Rest and take one more attempt if you want it, or if you’re done for the day, cheer on your classmates


Test Max Effort Set of Strict Pullups


“Twist and Shout”


20 Floor Press @ 95/65#

30 Toes to Bumpers @ 95/65#

40 Squats

50 Double-unders



5 Rounds

800m Run

30 Kettlebell Swings @ 70/53#

30 Pullups

*Time Cap: 50 min


Clean Party 4.0

EMOM Until Failure

1 Clean

Start at 150/100# less than your 1RM clean, or the empty bar, whichever is greater.  Add 5# every minute. If you miss a load, then you must reset by exactly 20# and continue working up again. You will only reset once. Upon your next miss after your reset, you are done.

If your first reset occurs before 100# then you will reset the 20# and then use the fractional plates to take 2# increments thereafter.  Failing to complete the lift within the minute means you missed the lift and must reset by 20#. Scored by heaviest load achieved.

If you don’t survive at least 20 minutes then you owe a 5k penalty row after class–unless you started with the empty bar–in that case you are forgiven


“Partner Kalsu”

EMOM until the team has completed 100 total Thrusters:

1st min: Partner 1: 5 Burpees + Thrusters in remaining time

2nd min: Partner 2: 5 Burpees + Thrusters in Remaining Time

3rd min: Partner 1:…repeat this sequence until your team achieves 100 total Thrusters

Barbell @ 135/95#

*Time Cap: 20 minutes


Kettlebell Snatch 5RM EMOM Ladder


“Power Drill 4.0”

5 Rounds:

8 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20”

10 Handstand Pushups

12 Kettlebell Snatches @ 53/35#

*Time Cap:  18 min

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