Thursday 30 December

Jordan OHS


Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:
2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

Austin Malleolo 18 rounds + 1 HSPU, Lance Cantu 15 rounds + 2 MU, Karianne Dickson 15 rounds (1.5pood KB), Michelle Kinney 12 rounds + 4 HSPU (2 pood), Candice Ruiz 9 rounds + 2 MU (70lb KB).

Post rounds completed to comments.

Compare to 100818.

Michelle Kinney on today’s WOD – video [wmv] [mov]

11 thoughts on “Thursday 30 December

  1. Nice workout this morning. Melissa did her best to coax Baby B Fowler that it was a good time to present himself but the wait continues.

    Silver: 1 rep shy of 11 rounds compared to 7 round + 16 reps on 8-18. I’ll take that improvement all day long.

    1. Wow. I know it’s a basic part of CrossFit, but clear, measurable progress still always gets me pumped. Nice!

    2. Great improvement, Michelle. I second Jeff’s comment. I get pumped about measurable progress. You can’t argue it.

  2. 7 + 2 Rx’d save for KB swings, which I scaled to 1.5. KBs turned out to be the easiest thing for me on this WOD, so I probably should have Mann’d up and gone w/ 2pd. I’ll know for next time.

    HSPUs killed me. MUs weren’t that bad. Got some good tips from David, Jeff, and Jordan that helped me out a lot on MUs. Learning something the wrong way and then correcting your bad habits is tough.

  3. 5 + 3 Rx’d
    I struggled through this one tonight. I’m very sore from the affiliate WOD yesterday. I’m having trouble lifting this beer to my mouth right now. The hardest thing by far was the HSPUs. My shoulders are just shot.

  4. 6 + 3 with a lot of variation. 3 Chest to bar pullups, 3 bar dips, 4 HSPUS (kipping) first round only then it was to inverted pushups off the GHD (4 reps). Lastly, 8 kettle bell swings with the 1.5 pood, Russian standard. I will second Jordan and say that my shoulders are trashed!

  5. Enjoyed watching the drag race between David and Daniel in the 5:15, and seeing Christina and Brittany successfully take on the big 1.5 pood kettlebell.

    I scored 16 rounds+ 4 reps in the 6:30 class. PR by over 1 round. I think two things that helped me were 1) focusing on correct MU technique under fatigue. I didn’t miss a MU, and that is critical in this WOD, as a missed MU seems to take the energy of 2 completed MUs. 2) getting right on the kettlebell as soon as you get there. In later rounds, I had to rest a few seconds before starting the next round of MUs in order to ensure I hit the MU. That being the case, I decided to take my rest then and move through the rest of the round quickly. It’s easy to stare at that heavy kettlebell and rest if you let yourself.

  6. 13 + 1 rep (Thanks for the push Daniel)

    I missed several of my MUs after fatigue began to set in. Need to work on that.

    Jeff’s performance during 6:30 was top notch, as usual! Josh didn’t let the HPSUs get the best of him. He fought through them like a champ. Kudos to Jordan for staying calm and focused during the workout! Tesha really improved on her pullups during the workout.

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