Thursday 17 March

Patrick double-unders

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.

Rob Orlando: 255lb OHS, 385lb FS, 485lb BS
Dave Leys: 250lb OHS, 270lb FS, 300lb BS
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Compare to 101109 at CFI.

“The Spealler Warm-Up” with Chris Spealler, CrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov]

WOD Demo with Rob Orlando – video [wmv] [mov]

Judges- Don’t forget to register as a judge if you can judge this Saturday. Register here.

Reminder: There will be no regular WOD class this Friday at 6:30 PM.  We will be conducting our Fundamentals.

7 thoughts on “Thursday 17 March

  1. Competitors, if you’re training today then use light loads. No PRs. Maybe 85-90% 1RM just to keep it interesting. And I definitely want to see double unders going on during your rest intervals. You can’t improve your work capacity before Saturday, but you can improve neuromuscular coordination. Try knocking out 20 DUs between every set.

  2. I was encouraged that I was finally able to squat with weight since injuring my back. I didn’t go above about 80% of mr 1RM. On my last back squat, after I took the bar from the rack, something didn’t seem right so for once exercising some good judgement I reracked the weight and called it a day.

  3. OHS 165# (PR) FS 185# (PR) BS 215#. Just PRed on BS a few weeks ago. Felt really strong today. Oh yea, double unders 93 (PR). Good day at CFI!!

  4. I did 4 rounds + 33 reps of the open WOD today. I’m glad I got a chance to make peace with the pain before Saturday. I learned that my shoulders held out better when I did clean and jerk instead of power snatch. I think my plan is to do C&J the entire time on Saturday so that I can link more DUs.

  5. I really enjoyed this WOD mainly because I felt like the movements were finally clicking really well and PR’d on all three movements by a significant amount. Also, I didn’t fail, so hopefully I left some room for next time also.

    Thanks Jeff and Christina for really helping me to nail some of the mechanics today that I’ve been struggling with.

    OHS – 110-120-130-140-150
    FS – 150-160-170-180-190
    BS – 190-200-210-210-220

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