Monday 31 October

fundamentals Oct10


Three rounds for time of:
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
15 L Pull-ups
95 pound Split-jerk, 15 reps
15 Knees to elbows
95 pound Hang clean, 15 reps
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds Hold 25 pound plate or dumbbell to chest for back extensions.

Josh Everett 15:28, Austin Malleolo 15:50, Dave Lipson 16:10, Russel Berger 16:37.
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18 thoughts on “Monday 31 October

  1. 24:13 rxd weight but kipped on L pullups to keep the momentum. Awesome job Justin and Monna. You guys fought for that last round and killed it! Thanks for the tips on k2e Jay. I finally linked all 15. Great morning with Daniel and our 530 crew!

  2. Congrats to all the recent fundamentals graduates. Was happy to see a few new faces this morning.

    20:15 Silver w/ 45# OHS.

    New movements for me (Hang Clean / Split Jerk); those were fun. Stuck with the bar for OHS and finally felt comfortable and got in to a good rhythm. I think the next OHS session will include bumpers :).

  3. Today was my first WOD! I loved it! Completed Bronze 3 rounds instead of 2. I was very appreciative of how helpful and friendly everyone was.

  4. 25:50 65#, blue-band. my endurance sucked. i kept looking over at jay and seeing him fly through this. good seeing all the new guys there this am. stick with it. the pain eventually becomes tolerable 🙂

  5. 23:10, silver rep scheme at 65#.

    Big props to Ben (if that’s wrong I apologize, I’m terrible with names) from the most recent fundamentals class, who came in and did the WOD with one arm in a sling. Good work, man.

  6. 31:29 Rx’d
    Worst WOD I’ve done to date. It was like 30 minutes of Fran. Drill Sergent Barnett smoked me during the second round. Thanks Jeff.

  7. Was truly impressed with the effort at 6:30. You guys simply did not stop working. Also impressed with the strength of our new athletes, Ben and John. They are both going to be firebreathers!

    I worked back squat today, 3-3-3-3-3.
    270-280-290-300-310 (PR by 5)

    I don’t have 311×3. 310 is all.

  8. Thanks Jeff! I felt good tonight and hopefully I can keep moving up on the lifts. I’ve got a hectic week and don’t know if I can make it tomorrow. However, I’m going to try and make it at 5:15 PM. That 5:30 AM is just a little early driving from Hartselle!

  9. I enjoyed coaching the 5:15 class. You all worked hard! Jeff was moving some weight on back squat. Congrats on your PR, Jeff!

    I had the privilege of working in Jeff’s awesome 6:30 class. It was good to have Ben and John in the class! This was a killer workout. I felt horrible in the middle of the third round. My time was 28:33 Rx’d.

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